More News from Year 6

We have had a busy few weeks!
Since our last post, year 6 have finished our work on place value and have moved on to addition and subtraction. We are becoming more fluent in knowing whether to add or subtract to find missing numbers in calculations.
In English, after finishing our non-chronological reports, we are looking at Chapter 4 of The Graveyard Book in more depth. We have learnt about Neil Gaiman's inspirtaion for writing his novel and listened to him read some of Chapter 4.
Our Geography unit of work- Why is fair trade fair?- has been completed, and we are moving on to a Science unit of work about evolution and inheritance. We already know quite a lot after reading On the Origin of Species, an adaptation of Charles Darwin's publication.
We also visited the East Norfolk Sixth Form College for a STEM workshop about wind power and took part in National Poetry Day, responding to some poems we read on the theme of Refuge. We thought about our places of safety and who are the people who make us feel safe.