Paper, Paper, Paper!

Last week we used LOTS of coloured paper to make a collage inspired by Matisse's 'Creole Dancer'.
We were all completely thrown off after having Monday off last week, and we all kept thinking Tuesday was Monday! When we did our homework check, we recognised Mia and Henry as being our pros for reading, spellings and times tables. We got some lovely pieces of homework including secret codes to crack in ancient runes and some beautifully designed Anglo-Saxon inspired coins.
We learned about Anglo-Saxon life, their hierarchy, their jobs, their law and order, their homes and began planning our poems based on 'I Asked the Boy who Cannot See'. We learned all about 2D shapes in maths. There was a lot of information to pick up, but the children did amazingly and have been able to remember so much. We now know the different types of quadrilaterals and triangles.
In art, we looked at Henri Matisse's 'Creole Dancer' and the children were able to find features of Fauvism in the piece. We then created our own versions using paper collage, and we got some fantastic pieces! I'll be busy displaying them all!