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Sicily and Christmas!

A busy few weeks.

Since our last post, we have been visited by Katy from East Norfolk College. She brought along some Lego Education kits so that we could work in teams to make buses which we then programmed to move along and stop at the bus stops.

On Tuesday, Rev Jo visited us for the annual Christingle. We enjoyed the assembly and excitedly took our Christingles home to tell our families all about them.

This week we have started our geography work. We will be studying Europe in general, followed by a more in-depth study of Italy. Our English work is linked to this too. On Wednesday, we used the Immersive Learning Room to travel by aeroplane to Sicily, where we visited an amphitheatre, Mount Etna, a village square and then a beach before flying back home again! We will be writing a class holiday brochure about Sicily before using our knowledge of European destinations to complete an independent persuasive brochure of our choice.

This afternoon, we have been very busy making decorations to sell at the Christmas fayre. While we were doing this we also decorated our classroom and sang along to some Christmas songs. This, along with the arrival of the advent calendar and the Elf on the Shelf (who has already been up to mischief), we are feeling very Christmassy!