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Off to Norwich Castle to start our Roman study.

After the half-term break we were straight back to learning. On Monday, we started our Romans topic by finding out about the first Roman invasions. We looked at sources of evidence to think about why the Romans wanted to come to Britain. On Tuesday, we travelled to the Norwich Castle Museum where we were able to work as historians. The day started with us meeting a Roman soldier and an Iceni. A curator took us to look at artefacts in the museum. We had to use them to decide what the Romans and Iceni had in common and whether we thought they would be able to live peacefully together. When we worked with a Roman soldier, we were able to look at armour, shields and swords. He also showed us items that gave us clues about how soldiers lived. We met an archaeologist and made a Celtic torc. We had a great day!

Our English unit also links to the Romans. We are learning how to write diary entries and will be using our Roman knowledge to write our own diaries.

In maths, we are continuing to use 4-digit numbers for addition and subtraction. We are trying to use the correct mathematical language and full sentences when discussing number problems.

P.E. this half-term is dance! We are using Carnival of the Animals to inspire us.