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Georgia O'Keeffe inspired our painting this week.

Year 4 have continued to have an art focus this week. We moved on to using watercolours and studying the work of Georgia O'Keefe. These paintings will be displayed in school alongside the drawings we did last week.

In English, we have continued with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have reached the part in the story where Charlie arrives home with the golden ticket, so we have been exploring vocabulary to create excitement. Next week, the children will be looking at descriptive language to describe the factory.

P.E. this week has seen us continue with invasion games. The children have been practising their hockey skills with me and playing some tag rugby with Mr King from Premier.

At the beginning of the week, we selected the children who will be our representatives on the school council, the safety and sports committees. Well done to the children who were elected and to all that were brave enough to give a short speech about why they would like to take on those rolls.