Summer Reading Challenge Success!

Children rewarded for reading!
It was great to see the children this week being recognised for their reading efforts over the Summer holidays by the Norfolk Library Service, who popped into school to distribute several certificates and badges. Reading is so vitally important and it is pleasing to see so many of our children enjoy it so much. I am sure they will try again next year and continue their drive to becoming a lifelong reader.
I have really enjoyed seeing the children settling in during their first full week especially the Year 3 class. There have been some excellent examples of exemplary behaviour and fantastic displays of kindness between most of our pupils. They have also engaged strongly with their learning enabling the teaching staff to get the best out of them. However, it is always important to remind children about the need to interact with each other sensibly, respectfully and appropriately no matter what situation has occurred. Staff cannot help if they do not know about things that may have happened, so please ensure they are told so they can offer their help to restore relationships.
Soon, the new football season in school for the Girls' and Boys' Football Teams will return, which is exciting. A letter regarding the code of conduct will be sent out to relevant parents in due course, which will require a signed reply slip in order to ensure pupils are eligible for selection. Fingers crossed we have continued sporting successes for both teams as they bring some much joy to so many children.
Next week, we have the return of our Open the Book team for our Monday assemblies. We also have the Year 5 trip to Hampton Court on Thursday 19th and on Friday 20th we have a round of flu vaccinations.
Have a great weekend everyone!