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Immersive Classroom gets a draft design!

A mural company Sunny and Pea has been commissioned to come up with a suitable design to attract all users to the space. From the initial sketch above, I am already excited to see a final version before it goes up on the wall. Well done to Ms. Bibbey for naming the space successfully after some of the ideas from the children just were not quite right. 

The PTFA are looking forward to informing you that they are going to be using the monies raised to obtain new playground markings at each school across three separate playground spaces. The Federation will also support with the financial outlays for this. Having met with three companies and given the children's choices and ideas to them, they have mocked up some aerial designs and Governors will then support the most reliable and cost effective company. I have no doubt they will all look amazing when they are finished. 

I have enjoyed going around the school dropping into lessons to see how pupils' resilience and growth mindset are being portrayed. Do they persevere when the going gets tough or do they simply disengage or seek help straight away without even trying independently? I was very impressed with how determined children were across all ages. Long may this last.  

We are also having a drive on reminding children about the importance of good manners and being respectful towards others. The Junior Leadership Team will be preparing a respect campaign video highlighting the many different ways disrespect can be seen in schools and what can be done in certain scenarios to ensure respect is achieved.  

Next week is KS2 SATS week for our Year 6 pupils, so the whole Federation wishes them well. Remain calm, focused and always give your best. They will be treated to a beach trip on Friday 17th May to celebrate the end of the test week. Year 5 will also get to enjoy their residential next week at Whitwell Hall. Lots of photos please, so we can share these with the families at the end of each day. I look forward to popping over one evening to see how they are all coping. 

Have a great weekend everyone!