Smile for the Camera!

Pet Photo Competition sees two worthy winners!
This week we have seen glimpses that the weather is becoming warmer and sunnier, but hopes were dashed Friday as the rain returned
Our PTFA shared the winners of the Pet Photo Competition launched just before Easter and we were thrilled with the number of entries we had including a whole array of different animals. If you have not seen the collage video on our social media pages, please ensure you give it a look. There was a winner and runner-up from each school, who were given the prize of a hamper full of gifts and a printed mug with some sweets respectively.
Keeping with the PTFA, they have been gearing up for sharing with you their plans for spending the monies raised. They are aiming, alongside the school, to have improved playground markings installed. It is evident that these spaces require a revamp. I have been busily liaising with companies to talk through designs, including the ideas from the children, and looking forward to receiving the quotes. I will make sure I am sitting down when they arrive.
We are getting closer to the Year 6 SATs and the Year 5 residential both happening during the same week. Hopefully, parents were able to attend the relevant information afternoons so they could ask any questions they had. Part of the Year 6 SATs week are the SATs breakfasts and it would be great to see as many children there building the team spirit and settling any last minute nerves.
Next week is a Bank Holiday, so remember we are closed on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!