Writing on the Wall

Eye-catching mural plans for the Immersive entrance in motion!
It has been mightily chilly this week, but hopefully the temperature will turn over the weekend into something somewhat warmer.
Some of our Governors visited on Thursday to carry out a Challenge Day with a focused theme of behaviour and how our children are supported pastorally. The pupils were extremely open to talking to them and were very positive about the school. Any behaviour that fell short of our high expectations was swiftly dealt with and this was resonated by the children themselves. I was particularly impressed by the feedback regarding how our pupils articulated how our Federation would embrace difference and celebrate diversity. The Governors were happy, so well done to all involved.
I was extremely pleased with a cross-Federation writing exercise all classes undertook based on a video stimulus either side of the Easter holidays. Teachers brought examples from their classes and used these to identify our own Federation exemplification materials for narrative writing. Looking at the Expected examples, it was amazing to see the journey of writing year on year. I was also pleased to read the different writing judged as greater depth also.
Plans are afoot for a colourful and vibrant mural to be painted on the stretch of wall leading to the Immersive classroom. We have opted for the name "Ormesby-Verse Immersive," so thank you to Ms. Bibbey for that suggestion. A far greater design will be created beyond my draft design above. We cannot wait to see what Sunny and Pea can come up with.
My Summer newsletter and our events calendar have been sent out, so please ensure you keep them to hand, so you are aware of the up-and-coming events that are occurring at our Federation.
Next week, we have some of our PTFA members visiting to discuss ideas for the Summer Fayre, so if you would like to be a stall holder at it on Friday 12th July, please contact the PTFA at ormesbyvillageschoolspta@gmail.com. On Tuesday 30th April, there will be a Whitwell information meeting straight after school for Year 5 pupils and parents to discuss the residential and on Wednesday 1st May, there will be an information meeting for Year 6 pupils and parents regarding their KS2 SATs.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!