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Heads Up for Ranworth!

Ranworth House Captains become Headteachers for the Day!

Hello, we are the Ranworth House Captains and we have been Headteachers for the Day shadowing Mr. Young in order to learn what it is like be in charge of a school or two in Ormesby's case. We have walked down to the Infant school and led an assembly to recognise all the good work that the pupils have been completing this week. Then, we played with the children outside leading some games before we held an Infant Leadership Team meeting about their new courageous advocacy project of a SMILE campaign. Whilst we were there, we also interviewed some of the children in their classes about what they are learning and whether they could tell us what their next steps were. This was continued in the Junior school and we also held another meeting with the rest of our Junior Leadership team about our up-and-coming trip to Martham Lodge where we will be sharing our memory boxes containing our favourite memories. We have enjoyed sending emails, working with the little children and writing the Headteacher's blog. 

World Book Day took place on Thursday and it was great to see so many people dressing up in their costumes and their pyjamas. It is always important that our school promotes the love of reading, because this life skill is so vital to every area of the curriculum. Classes also linked to a national video to see different authors reading extracts from their stories. 

Our school opened the Travelling Book Fair across the week and I am pleased to say we sold quite a few products to families. Hopefully, we can reinvest a decent commission soon. 

Author, Heather Peck, visited us to share her latest book and the pupils got to ask her some questions about how long it took her to write the story and how she became an author. 

Next week, we have the Norfolk County Music Festival on Tuesday at the King's Centre in Norwich. On this day, we also have parents visiting to take part in the Curriculum Celebration Event. On Wednesday, the Year 6 class are off to Norwich Airport to complete their tour of Saxon Air. The Years 5 and 6 Boys' and Girls' football teams also have fixtures against other local schools. 

Have a great week everyone!