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Back in the Classroom!

Pom-Poms dominate the air in Cheerleading Enrichment!

I have to say it has been an absolute pleasure this week to return to the classroom to teach our Year 6 class, whilst Ms. Newman remains absent through illness. They have been an absolute credit to their families and have made me remember all those lovely moments you get as a class teacher when you have a class of your own. I am really sad to be handing them back, but even I have to admit I cannot run two schools and teach full-time. Sadly, I am just not a machine.

The enforced absence has meant tough decisions have had to be made to support all our children. As a result, Mr. Yaxley has kindly agreed to step into Year 6 until Ms. Newman returns and we will cover Mr. Yaxley with a suitable supply cover teacher. Finding one for Year 6 was simply not possible, despite our best efforts and I want everyone to know I wanted to avoid the situation we find ourselves in whereby we have to disrupt two classes. However, this was ultimately unavoidable with the best interests of all children at the forefront of my thinking. Please be reassured that a thorough handover for all children of all abilities will be achieved with new and existing staff to ensure there is as little disruption as possible. 

Earlier in the week, we also had the WOW sessions where children benefitted from a carousel of fitness activities. It certainly was energetic, as I saw some very red faces, which were out of puff. Good to get the pulse raised every once in a while.  

On Thursday, the pupils got to enjoy popcorn and sweets for a midweek movie courtesy of the PTFA. It was very well organised, but I think we will be finding popcorn for years to come. Did any actually go in their mouths?

Today, it was cheerleading enrichment and everyone took part in making routines to music waving their pom-poms and kicking their legs. Some were a little apprehensive at first, but soon everyone was trying to outdo one another with their energy and enthusiasm. I was very impressed. 

Please remember we return on Monday 26th February. Have a lovely holiday and stay safe.