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Oh Bee-have!

On the eve of National Storytelling Week bee equipment begins to arrive!

It has been a hectic week, once again, but I am thrilled that we are making great strides in adding hives of bees to our site. What a fabulous opportunity for our children and staff to have where they can learn about such an organised and productive insect, not to mention the way to look after and care for them and how to extract the tasty honey safely. Some site works need to take place first, we have to get some additional training, but we have already taken delivery of adult and child suits and other hive equipment. When we are in a stronger position to write to our parents prior to the launch, we will. Bee-keeping is something I have always been interested in since High School, but to have our very own apiarist in Miss. McMylor is too good an opportunity to miss. 

I am really looking forward to going into classes next week and observing how pupils are being taught. It seems we have had lots of visitors recently preparing us for an Ofsted inspection, so staff are more than used to other adults popping in and out. Our staff do work very hard and always have the best interests of the pupils at the centre of everything. 

Next week, is National Storytelling Week, so we will be sharing some tales with the children and our links with ENSFC have enabled us to be sent some videos of Sixth Form students reading stories aloud. The pupils will look forward to listening to those. 

Have a great weekend everyone!