December is Here!

A Parliamentary Affair!
We began the week with our aspirational, careers' event at East Coast College, Lowestoft. Children got to experience many different professions requiring the STEM subjects, such as engineering, civil engineering, the renewable energy industry and the maritime industry. Behaviour was impeccable and the children learnt the entry requirements helping them to understand the path they might need to follow educationally should they wish to enter that type of employment.
Tuesday saw Reverend Jo visit to teach us all about the significance of the Christingle. The children had retained a lot from her visit the previous year regarding it and I was pleased to see how attentive and engaged the children all were. She really does captivate her audience well. It must be getting close to Christmas...the excitement is growing by the day.
The dental team checked to make sure the pupils' teeth were as we want them to be. We know how hard it is to get an appointment, so this was vital for pupils to get an examination. It was also another opportunity for pupils to see another profession and I could tell many were intrigued by what the dentists had to do. A challenging but worthwhile career.
Well done to our Junior Leadership Team and School Councillors who got the chance to travel to London and visit the Houses of Parliament, where democracy can be seen in action. It was cold, but everyone enjoyed themselves learning lots about the importance of our British Government.
Our booking link for the Christmas Carol Concert has been sent out, so please ensure you sign up to get your tickets arranged.
Next week, we have our Peer Mentors being given Anti-Bullying Training courtesy of the Diana Award. I am sure they will come back with lots of new ideas to improve the school.
Have a great weekend everyone!