Who needs Worzel?

Pupils build their very own Viking Scarecrow for Festival
Another week ends and Summer term preparations are in full swing. It was nice to have some sunshine this week and I managed to get out for a quick kick about with the Years 3 & 4 at lunchtime. It does not take the pupils as long now to remind me I am not getting any younger.
Friday saw the Years 5 & 6 Girls' Football team play Martham and all participants gave their all for the school. I was very pleased to see another example of inter-school sports and very proud of their commitment to perform for one another. It does not hurt to be reminded though that if pupils wish to represent the school their behaviour inside it must show they deserve it.
On a different note, Miss. Newman and her daughter have been enabling pupils from her class to create a scarecrow for the Martham Festival this weekend. The pupils have named him "Orm." Well done for the efforts from all involved and I am sure this will be one of the best at the festival. I am told it will be placed on the Green in Martham, so keep an eye out for it.
Earlier in the week, we had the pleasure of a Mini Monsters session on wildlife and their habitats. I could certainly handle the lizards and millipedes, but I did have reservations about the tarantula. Thankfully, this was not to be handled by the pupils or staff. Thank goodness for small mercies.
Next week, please remember it is a Bank Holiday on Monday, so we will be closed returning on Tuesday. We have more football fixtures to enjoy, a Whitwell Hall residential parental briefing on 4th May and our class and Leavers' photographs on 5th May.
Have a great, long weekend everyone and we will see you all next week, Be safe.