Football Season Returns!

Girls' Football kicks off new school season - well almost!
Well, what a way to end the week: non-uniform day and a football match. However, the weather was so poor with torrential rain that the match had to be called off. The heavens opened as the away team arrived and we held out as long as we could to see if it cleared up, but that was not going to happen. We will re-arrange the fixture.
Tuesday, was Mental Health Awareness Day and Mrs. Angel had devised with her School Council that children would all get a small plastic duck and decorate them with families as a means to achieve positive mindfulness. We saw lots of different versions, which will be put up on display and can also be seen on our Gallery page. A very inventive idea and one, which proved extremely popular.
On Thursday, P.C. Martin visited to talk Years 4, 5 and 6 through some firework and bonfire safety, as well as traffic and County Lines dangers. It is worrying that so many dangers lay out there for our children, but with the right information they can make those necessary informed decisions and really keep themselves and each other safe.
Today, we have had a non-uniform day for our Harvest Festival celebrations next week, where we will join with Key Stage 1 and walk to the Church to see Rev. Jo. All donations are given to Martham Food Bank, which we all know is sadly being used more and more by people. Thank you for all your donations. Not to worry if you missed this, but it was on our Autumn Term events' list emailed out to everyone and it was on our website calendar.
Next week, we are hoping the hardware team will visit on Monday to install the technology for our new immersive space, plus it is parent-teacher meeting week, where we hope you have all booked in for a conversation with your child's teacher. On Monday and Tuesday, Years 5 and 6 have Bikeability training, which is another way we can help keep our children safe on the roads. Please make sure any children riding a bicycle or scooter to school have a helmet, because we are seeing far too many without them on and it simply is not safe. Our Years 5 & 6 Girls' footballers have another fixture against Cliff Park on Friday to end the week, but a letter will come out next week about that.
Have a great weekend everyone.